Friday, May 15, 2009

Program Design: Panel or Cover?

As if we don't have enough to design, someone recently brought to my attention the need for ceremony programs. This person shall remain nameless, as I want to hurl something at them, but I have to concede: they're absolutely right.

Part of the reason we're going to need a program is because we're having an Episcopal ceremony, which will entail the Lord's prayer and a marriage prayer, and since around 50% of our attendees are agnostic, Buddhist, atheist, or otherwise undeclared, having these prayers available in written form is a necessity--should attendees want to join in on the service.

Another reason for programs? Here are several:
  • Thank yous to family & friends!
  • Memoriam to those who've past, those we'd like to remember: Aunty Beck, Grandpa Armistead, Grandpa Brandt, Grandma Brandt, Grandma McClinch, Grandpa McClinch, Grandpa Rice, and Booman (we can't forget him).
  • Listing the wedding party.
  • Giving guests an overview the ceremony itself, what it will involve.
  • Providing Bill a cue for when he needs to stand up and read to us.
So, since we need a program, the next step is design. Bella Figura offers a lovely option that coordinates with our invites and table cards. One version is a PANEL program, the other is a COVER, both pictured below. The cover is probably more traditional and easier to handle while the panel is more modern, long, and potentially cumbersome.

What do you think? Send me suggestions!!!




Shimko said...

I think cover would work better, because it is more traditional, easier to handle, and the font won't appeared cramped when fitting the information in.

Ally Armistead said...

This input is awesome and TOTALLY helpful. You rock immensely. PS: I still have comments on your cool story. Coming soon.